January Home Maintenance

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January 15, 2023

Home Maintenance Checklist

  1. Store Holiday Decor
    *bonus points for labeled bins*
  2. Wash/replace Shower Curtain Liners
  3. Deep Clean Play Areas
  4. Clean out Fridge & Freezer & Wipe Down Shelves
  5. Clean out & Organize Closets
    *bonus points for donating*
  6. Change Your HVAC Air Filter
  7. Check expiration dates of your fire extinguishers and replace if necessary
  8. Check smoke detector batteries

Happy January Friends!


I love resetting the house after the holidays. I even embrace the “empty” for a while and relish in the space. It feels new and even more clean.

Speaking of clean… that is a lot of January’s maintenance list entails, especially if you had family in town the last two months. You will notice I added a few things that you (okay I) would not think of right off the bat. I know you probably already cleaned the normal list: wash sheets, dust surfaces, and deep clean bathrooms, but what about those shower curtain liners? If you don’t wash or replace those often they hold onto bacteria and cause your shower to stink. Throw them in the washer or replace them!

To double down on the after hosting clean, if you had lot’s of children playing together in a space – give all the toys a deep clean. Let’s face it every surface in that room is probably…. yuuuu-cky! I love all the advice from Go Clean Co and they have a great post on organizing kids toys as well, but to stay on task, any toys that cannot be thrown in the washer, like the coveted play kitchens, I would use the “basic cleaning recipe” to wipe it down good!

Remember relishing in the “space,” well this can be a good thing in your closets, dressers, and even your refrigerator! Take 30 minutes going through your dresser and closets to see if there is anything you have not worn in the last two years… because if you liked wearing it, YOU WOULD. Donate what you can but pitch anything that is stained or holes in it. I have chosen to take mine to a local group called Believing Restoration is Attainable, which is a local non-profit organization created for ladies that are going through divorce or the sudden loss of a spouse. I encourage you to do your research and donate to a cause that speaks to you as well!

If you are a visual learner, check out the Reel I made just for this!

Pro Tip: One of my friends Claire made a great reel about donating when the clothes are seasonally appropriate.



  1. Sandie Graves says:

    I need to go through this checklist and make sure I have everything done to start the New Year off right!

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