Seller Overview

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January 29, 2023

It Is A Process

Putting your home on the market has more steps for you to consider and accomplish BUT – don’t let that overwhelm you. IF you have a plan, you have a way through! I also find it helpful to break it into buckets of “before-agent” and “with-agent”.
Sooooo, let’s get into it!

Before Agent


Curb appeal is like bedside manner to me – it IS important! This is the very first impression that your home gives online and in person. The most important factors to spend time on are making sure that your home can be found and seen, in all levels of light. This task includes making sure that your house number is easily read, any exterior lighting has working bulbs, windows are washed, and chipping paint is repainted. It is also nice to refresh your flowerbeds, but what is most important is assuring that what is there, is trimmed and looking nice!


Once inside, buyers need to be able to picture themselves (and their things) in your home. So this requires cleaning, decluttering, and depersonalizing. A good place to start is by packing away personal items and clearing tchotchkes; this will help the rooms feel bigger and a place the buyer can see themselves. The areas that draw the most attention are the primary bedroom and en suite, the living room, and the kitchen. Make sure that these areas are cleaned out, organized, and updated (within reason). If you are considering an update my suggestions are to replace any old plumbing fixtures, lighting fixtures, and hardware. This makes a big impact and is a FAST way to make your property more desirable.

With Agent


This is when you can safely bring in a Realtor, especially if you are wanting to move quickly! Depending on their walk through they may suggest getting a replacement estimate for a big-ticket appliance or getting a home inspection done. Both insure that you know anything that may be found once under contract and, more importantly, have a plan going into the market. They will ask you to gather any home warranties, manuals for appliances, your site survey (if you have it) and fill out a seller’s disclosure.


Once you decide who will be listing your home, you will sign a listing agreement. This is the contract that defines everything between you and your agent- from how long the contract is valid, to how the property can be marketed. This is a standard Texas contract that your agent will be able break down in order to answer any questions you may have.
NOTE: Agents are not legally authorized to practice law, including giving any legal advice or representation. It is against our Code of Ethics & Standards of Practice. If you have any concerns about the contract you will need to consult legal counsel.


Signing to list with an agent actually signs you to list with the agent’s brokerage. All representation agreements are at the broker level, so anyone in the brokerage is able to market your property. In order to mass market your home on a Multiple Listing Service platform (also known as the MLS) for other brokerages to view, your agent will likely schedule professional photography to be taken. The MLS portal, email, and social media are the main platforms that reach a large audience quickly. Be sure to ask questions and know what the plan for your home is!


All that is left is to get people in your door & get your property sold! Discuss Open Houses, days and times of the week that are preferred for you and your family for others to view your home. Make sure that areas stay tidy, pets are confined or at a neighbor’s, and verify all valuables are locked away. I will not lie and say that it’s easy to work into your everyday if you’re not used to it, but I provide my sellers a check list that takes the mental load of remembering off your plate! If it is something you would want a post about let me know!

There is obviously more to each step than what is outlined, especially once your home is under contract, but to do each step justice I will break them down in their own posts! This is intended to be an overview and a start for you to expand on further. I hope this takes the unknown out of the process and if you’re looking for someone to tailer this to suit your needs – I know a girl!

Friends and Family Tip
I am licensed to work in Texas, so please don’t hesitate to reach out if you are not in DFW. I have helped friends purchase in Austin, as well as Houston, and I also have an extensive network of agents to help you in any area that I cannot- including outside of Texas! I would love to be considered to help you or anyone you know in their process.


  1. Sandie Graves says:

    So Mimi comments about the recipe so I’ll comment on the carpet cleaner 😂

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