Time is Money, Ladies and Gents!

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January 9, 2023

Hi, Hello, So glad you’re here!

You may be wondering… why am I reading a real estate blog? Why is this worth my time? Well, let’s start with who I am and how that fueled my motivation to start this in the first place.

Hi, Hello, I’m Delaney!

I am a Realtor in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex in the great state of Texas and I have a passion for people. I especially like helping people, and that is the main motivator behind curating this blog. I am also a former commercial interior designer, a truly terrible speller, a pun lover, and an over thinker on a mission to educate, guide, and make the process of homeownership feel more tangible… after all it’s JUST real estate!

I have helped others purchase and sell their own properties, but I have also been a buyer as well. Actually right as the pandemic began my husband and I started our home search, and like 95% of late 20 year olds, we didn’t know a single thing about the home buying process – like ZERO. We didn’t know what an interest rate was (or that we were in a market with the lowest rates in history), how a preapproval worked, what PMI was, or even what escrow was. I hated that feeling – it was so overwhelming – and called my mom about 50 more times a day than my normal call log… sorry mom… but that is the second motivator behind curating this blog… trying to make others not have “that” feeling.

Now that you know the baseline about me let’s get to the blog

The intent behind this blog is to be your resident resource for all things leading you to your next home. Think of this as a place for you to reference tips and tricks, or do a deeper dive into what I talk about, either on stories or in a post, all in one place. My hope is that I am creating another place that can ADD VALUE to your life and to save you TIME because as we all know— Time is Money!!

Whether you are gearing up to buy, sell, or rent I would love to help! This blog, along with my website, is geared to help guide you through the process (hopefully with me!)

Each week I will be posting a new blog on a range of topics including tips & tricks or advice for buyers, sellers, renters, some home owner maintenance guides, and anything you would want to “Ask an Agent.” If you don’t want to miss out on all the fun, then sign up for my newsletter!

If you are looking for your own trusted agent in Texas , I would love to meet for coffee (or your choice of beverage) to discuss how I can be that for you! Click the Contact button at the top to reach me directly!

Let’s get this party started!


  1. Sandie Graves says:

    Can’t wait to read more on your blog. This looks like it will be helpful to so many!

  2. Farah says:

    Loving this, Delaney! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and helpful real estate tid bits 🙂

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