May Home Maintenance

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May 21, 2023

It’s (al-read-y)… May


  1. Check for warped boards and broken gate latches
  2. Fertilize your lawn and pull weeds
  3. Vacuum registers and vents
  4. Check and clean your exterior doors
  5. Clean your dryer vent

I love that y’all find these videos so helpful… but I am starting to think it’s because you like seeing me do all the things you are supposed to be doing HA! Whatever helps you guys!!


Like last month, we are able to break the monotony of cleaning inside by breaking the maintenance list into indoor and outdoor. I love this, because it can also be broken into more days ha!

We will start outside this month. Fluctuating weather can leave it’s mark on wood causing it to warp or crack. Starting off, check your fence for any loose boards or ones that needs to be replaced, and also check your latches to verify none are broken. Both of these will keep your family, furry included, safe this summer. Summer also is the time to show off your beautiful lawn!! Next up we are fertilizing and getting after those pesky weeds that always pop up… the WORST. Your grass needs nutrients to start growing after being dormant all winter and May is the perfect time to start!

Turning inside, this month’s “torturous task” is cleaning registers and vents. I personally like to use a vacuum but you could also use another method to clean them. This is also a great time to get your entire HVAC system checked by a professional before the temperatures rise (and their schedules get busier). Another way to help your AC run more efficiently is our next task, check and clean your exterior doors. By making sure there aren’t any leaks in the weather stripping, you are insuring the insulating factors of your home are working properly. Our last task is to clean your dryer vent. This not only helps the machine but it also keeps your home safe from a fire. I got my tool set from Lowes if you do not have one in your home.

May is also Skin Cancer Awareness month. So while you are outside capturing some Vitamin D, please be sure to wear your sunscreen and enjoy the beautiful weather. I also suggest seeing your Dermatologist for a yearly check up. If you need a recommendation in the DFW area let me know, I would be happy to refer mine!
Now, it’s time to get to work!


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