What is a Blue Tape Walk

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July 16, 2023

Are you purchasing a new build? Or considering it?


If you are purchasing a new build from a builder, either from ground up or an inventory home, you will have a blue tape/quality assurance walk scheduled. This scheduled time is designed to give you and your agent a “one-on-one” time with your builder’s representative to walk through your home room by room. The builder typically schedules this walk about a week to 10 days before closing, typically at this stage the home will have already had a final texture and paint check but there are still things that can be missed. That is what this walk is for! The time before closing also gives the builder time to address anything that is found on the walk.

Okay, back to the walk – While you are shown through the home you will be asked by the quality assurance representative if you see anything that looks to be built short of industry standards or “model quality”.  This task is usually performed by standing a few feet from finished walls to see if anything cosmetic catches your eye; you will also operate any plumbing or lighting fixture to test its function. Anything that is lacking is noted by the builder and crews will be scheduled to update the items before (or shortly after) closing.


Some builders schedule the home orientation on the same day to save everyone time. This schedule time gives you the ability to go over specifics about your home with the Builder’s representative and for them to teach you about how your home works so that when you move in, you know where everything is and how to maintain it properly.

Additionally, the Quality Assurance representative will review the warranty information on the home. Most of the items that you discuss in the walk through are covered with at least a 1 year warranty, and others are covered for longer. You will also discuss how your builder prefers to be reached if you need to report a warranty item. to ensure you know all the options available to you should you ever need to contact customer service. These items will happen, so it is good to know the ways to report these to the builder.

Don’t worry you don’t have to navigate this alone! This is one of the many tasks that your agent helps you with while under contract with a new build. We have been around the block once or twice in these areas and know what to look for. If you are If you are looking for your own trusted agent in Texas , I would love to meet to discuss how I can be that for you! 

Let’s discuss how we can get you in a new build of your own!


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