April Home Maintenance

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April 16, 2023

You know, “April [clean] showers, bring May…”


  1. Deep clean carpets
  2. Clean baseboards
  3. Clean fan blades
  4. Organize your garage
  5. Turn on sprinklers & check for leaks
  6. Refresh flower beds- clear dead plants & re-mulch

Okay, you guys LOVED March maintenance… it maaay be because you like seeing me do lots of labor but if that’s what helps, then you got it!!


I love this month – not only because its MY BIRTHDAY MONTH but it also allows us to break the maintenance list into indoor and outdoor. April is generally the month that we start back on yard work in Texas, which gives me an excise to capture some Vitamin D, with sunscreen of course, and enjoy the beautiful weather. If you are somewhere like my parents in Colorado, some of these outdoor tasks may be a little premature for you!

We will start inside: I try to only suggest one torturous task a month so forgive me for the second item on the list. I know cleaning baseboards really is the worst, but let’s start with a little easier one! Clean those carpets- it seems like a big task but it is almost as easy as vacuuming. If you’re like me and have pets this helps break up the dirts and oils that get trapped- it really refreshes the room!!
TIPS: Do task number 3 before and vacuum well before you start! This will cut down on the debris caught in your carpet cleaner.

Moving outdoors, our first item is to turn back on your sprinklers. There is nothing like a beautiful front yard in summer- it just makes you happy when you drive into your driveway! I suggest turning them on manually first to verify that all sprinkler heads are working correctly. If you find a head that is not spraying correctly or a large pooling of water after you run a test cycle, you may want to have it inspected to verify you do not have a broken pipe. I have had a few neighbors notice a higher water bill because of a slow, constant drip when turning on their sprinkler for the season.

Next up, give your flowerbeds a refresh! Trim bushes, replace dead flowers, and cut back any dead grasses. I personally think the biggest impact is to turn over the mulch in your flower beds. It makes a big impact quickly! The last item on the list is to clean and organize your garage. This is not only a way to make sure you know where all your tools are when you need them, it is a chance to donate what you and your family no longer use! If you are looking for a great system, we love our Gladiator system. Let me know if you have any tips or tricks of your own, I’ll add them to my list!
Time to get to work!


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