How to Pack with Simplicity

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March 26, 2023

Moving Tips


I have moved more times than I want to admit over the years. I think it was once a year for a while… and you would think that is where I learned most of my “tricks” but honestly, my in-laws taught me most of the simplicity and tricks I know!

1. I know that you won’t start with the larger items but it is one of the biggest lessons that I have learned:
While taking pieces apart (curtain rods, bed frames, etc) keep all hardware in a LABELED baggie, and my favorite tip, shrink wrapped to the disassembled pieces. That way you know each bed frame can be placed in the correct room and set up day one – very important in my opinion!

2. Pack an essentials box for the main rooms or for people in the house:
Bedroom + Bathroom: Knowing where your toiletry bag, towel, bedsheets and your pillow are at the end of a long moving day are SO important. Put these in a suitcase or overnight bag so you know that you can get a good night sleep. Oh and don’t forget a roll of toilet paper!
Kitchen: The next morning, the first think I need to know is where the coffee, the coffee pot, and my coffee cup are! So this is always in my essentials box for the kitchen, along with the corkscrew to celebrate haha

3. Organized bins or drawers:
Keep all of these together & move them together so that you can organize as you unpack. I found a system and organization that I felt worked well for me in my kitchen, and I didn’t want to have to recreate this from scratch when I moved. So when we were moving I took pictures of my drawers, used storage sized ziplocks to pack all of the utensils in the drawer together, and was able to unpack seamlessly!

4. Pack decor first:
These are not needed in your daily routine, so packing them away will not impede you living normally leading up to your move. Blankets, pictures, books, candles etc can all be packed away easily. I actually like to put books in suitcases so that you can roll them and not lift them- pro move in my opinion haha!


  1. A few rolls of packing tape. Colors can help if you want to designate rooms
  2. Permanent markers
  3. Small, Medium, Large boxes. Plan for more small & medium boxes as these are easier to lift & pack!
  4. Packing paper
  5. Shrink wrap
  6. Moving blankets

I hope this helps make a stressful time a little easier, I know personally that moving is stressful and the worst place of calling a new place home! “Home” to me is space that holds my favorite memories. Being able to share in the processes that bring others to their meaning of home, is a true honor and privilege. If you are looking for that trusted agent in Texas, I would love to meet to discuss how I can be that for you!
Let’s get started!


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