Tips for a Tidy Home

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March 19, 2023

Not to brag…
but this may be one of my superpowers

Just kidding, I am a type A personality who loves a schedule and ritual. I don’t have superpowers, just a good routine. Every weekday morning I start a 20 minute timer and clean my list for the day. The timer is actually the game changer, if you don’t have one this is similar to the one that I have. The timer is the “trick” for me because it helps trick my brain into starting the task and not procrastinating. I think this works because I have a deal with myself, “you only have to do this for 20 minutes, then whatever is not done you can save for later.” Somehow this trick always works and 9/10 times I actually finish whatever task I am doing instead of stopping at 20 min.

Keeping a house clean, especially without going insane, has taken me about 10 years to get close to executing but honestly I still HATE some parts. I think besides the timer the action of doing a little every day truly helps. It makes digging into larger tasks take less time since you have already scratched the surface. It also makes my weekends feel a little more “free” since I have done a large majority of the work throughout the week, that way I don’t feel tied to the house all weekend knowing I need to do laundry. This helps me feel more mentally available to my clients on weekends but it could help you do the same. OR It could be a way that you keep your home ready for a showing if your home is on the market!

Obviously this is not a comprehensive list OR all that I do…. and it also takes longer than 20 minutes most days, but it helps me keep on top of the tasks so that if someone randomly stops by or I don’t have time to do a big clean it doesn’t feel as overwhelming to start again. The pros outweigh the cons, and I hope that by sharing my tasks you get a little bit of your weekend back as well. I challenge you to try this for two weeks & let me know what you think!


-Clean the coffee pot
-Clean Dishes in the sink
-Load/start the dishwasher
-Wipe down kitchen counters
-Start a load of laundry *hang/fold when done*


-Clean the coffee pot
-Clean Dishes in the sink
-Wipe down kitchen counters
-Clean Bathroom counters, mirrors, and toilet


-Clean the coffee pot
-Clean Dishes in the sink
-Load/start the dishwasher
-Wipe down kitchen counters
-Start a load of laundry *hang/fold when done*
-Set trash cans out for pick up


-Clean the coffee pot
-Clean Dishes in the sink
-Wipe down kitchen counters
-Vacuum all carpets


-Clean the coffee pot
-Clean Dishes in the sink
-Load/start the dishwasher
-Wipe down kitchen counters
-Start a load of laundry *hang/fold when done*


-Clean Dishes in the sink
-Wipe down kitchen counters
-Start a load of laundry *hang/fold when done*
-Clean secondary bathroom counters & toilets


-Clean Dishes in the sink
-Wipe down kitchen counters
-Start a load of laundry *hang/fold when done*
-Dust living room & bedroom
-Change Sheets/towels

If you are looking to sell and you find this helpful let me know. I have a couple more lists that you may find helpful! If you are looking for a trusted agent in Texas, I would love to meet to discuss how I can be that for you! Let’s get started!


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